Function spotifyChatHandler

  • A type for all chat message handler functions.


    • client: Client

      The Twitch client.

    • channel: string

      The Twitch channel where the current message was written.

    • tags: ChatUserstate

      The Twitch (user) chat state (the user name/id/badges of the user that wrote the current message).

    • message: string

      The current Twitch message.

    • data: SpotifyChatHandlerData

      The additional data necessary for execution.

    • globalStrings: StringMap

      The global strings object to get strings for parsing.

    • globalPlugins: PluginMap

      The global plugin object to generate text from strings.

    • globalMacros: MacroMap

      The global macro object to generate text from strings.

    • logger: Readonly<Logger>

      The global logger.

    Returns Promise<void>

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