Information about the current chat message and user.


UML class diagram of ChatMessageHandlerReplyCreatorChatUserState
icon for an interface in the UML class diagram interface
icon for a public property in the UML class diagram public property


  • ChatUserstate
    • ChatMessageHandlerReplyCreatorChatUserState


badge-info?: BadgeInfo
badge-info-raw?: string
badges?: Badges
badges-raw?: string
bits?: string
color?: string
display-name?: string
emotes?: {
    [emoteid: string]: string[];

Type declaration

  • [emoteid: string]: string[]
emotes-raw?: string
flags?: string
id: string
message-type?: "action" | "chat" | "whisper"
mod?: boolean
room-id?: string
subscriber?: boolean
tmi-sent-ts?: string
turbo?: boolean
user-id: string
user-type?: "" | "mod" | "admin" | "global_mod" | "staff"
username: string

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