Interface StreamCompanionWebSocketData

A representation of the data that StreamCompanion should watch for changes.


UML class diagram of StreamCompanionWebSocketData
icon for an interface in the UML class diagram interface
icon for a public property in the UML class diagram public property


  • StreamCompanionDataBase
    • StreamCompanionWebSocketData


artistRoman?: string
artistUnicode?: string
creator?: string
diffName?: string
mAR?: number
mBpm?: string
mCS?: number
mHP?: number
mOD?: number
mStars?: number
mapid?: number
mapsetid?: number
maxCombo?: number
mods?: string
osuIsRunning?: boolean
osu_m95PP?: null | number
osu_m96PP?: null | number
osu_m97PP?: null | number
osu_m98PP?: null | number
osu_m99PP?: null | number
osu_mSSPP?: null | number
titleRoman?: string
titleUnicode?: string
type: "websocket"

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