
UML class diagram of AlbumObjectSimplified
icon for an interface in the UML class diagram interface
icon for a public property in the UML class diagram public property



album_group?: "album" | "single" | "compilation" | "appears_on"

The field is present when getting an artist's albums. Possible values are "album", "single", "compilation", "appears_on". Compare to album_type this field represents relationship between the artist and the album.

album_type: "album" | "single" | "compilation"

The type of the album: one of "album", "single", or "compilation".

The artists of the album. Each artist object includes a link in href to more detailed information about the artist.

external_urls: ExternalUrlObject

Known external URLs.

name: string

The name of the album. In case of an album takedown, the value may be an empty string.

release_date: string

The date the album was first released, for example 1981. Depending on the precision, it might be shown as 1981-12 or 1981-12-15.

type: "album"

The object type.

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