PluginFunc: ((logger: Readonly<Logger>, value?: string, signature?: boolean) => OrPromise<MacroMap | string | boolean | RequestHelp | PluginSignature>)

Type declaration

    • (logger: Readonly<Logger>, value?: string, signature?: boolean): OrPromise<MacroMap | string | boolean | RequestHelp | PluginSignature>
    • A plugin can have a scope in which special plugins can be defined. They output a tuple list of macro value and macro output or just a string.

      The plugin either returns:

      • a "string" which contains the result.
      • a "boolean" which if true means insert the plugin value string as scope or render scope if not empty or false meaning the same as empty string.
      • a "map" which contains plugin macros.
      • a help information object.
      • a signature information object.


      • logger: Readonly<Logger>
      • Optional value: string
      • Optional signature: boolean

      Returns OrPromise<MacroMap | string | boolean | RequestHelp | PluginSignature>

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